Thursday, 27 September 2012


These two images from the storyboard show juxtaposition because they are two completely different objects and they don't relate in any sort of way, however, when the viewer watches the film they tend to try and relate the two images by looking at the differences and the similarities.

Monday, 24 September 2012

300 Word Analysis V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is an action packed thriller, which is about a shadowy freedom fighter known as 'V'.

In this sequence we see a scene where Eve and V are standing on a rooftop looking out to their surrounding area and at first you think, what is a stranger taking a young woman on top of a building for? Well, V wanted to show her the spectacular view that she was about to witness, the blowing up of The Old Bailey. Now, the director James McTeigue very cleverly used a wide-angle shot to give you a look at V's body language, whilst seeing him intentionally blowing up of The Old Bailey. His body language that is shown, really links with the explosion, the fireworks explode into array of colour's just like V's emotions, he's happy, proud and over the moon that his plan had worked. Eve, however, was on a lower level to V and this shows the audience, that she is less important and is in a very awkward situation right now and that maybe she was being used to make this plan of his work.

The slide then transitions into Chancellor Sutler's introduction or interrogation on the candidates who are trying to seek out where V and Eve were. The introduction of Sutler starts off with him being extremely close-up, his facial features and emotions being really evident. This really helps the viewers because it shows his importance as well, as he has taken up the whole screen. It gives a sense of him domineering his fellow 'friends'/candidates. The use of small lighting/spotlighting that McTeigue uses when Sutler interrogates Mr Creedy shows us that he is less important to the viewer than Sutler, this also happens with the others who are sitting facing the massive screen. 

Also, the director uses a wide-angle view to show the backs of the candidates and this also shows that maybe they aren't as important and that they aren't worthy and shouldn't be looked at. The music they use in the background makes the situation tenser and really puts what I’ve said into perspective. Having Chancellor Sutler on the screen that large seems like a fret to all of us!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Alice in Wonderland redesigned

So our job this week was to redesign the Alice in Wonderland (2010) set where she both shrinks and grows in the matter of four minutes, but not into just any ordinary design but into one of the darkest and mysterious designs going, into the Alien (1979) theme.

This is mine and Jasmin Sanders' idea, as you can see the drawing has no colour, the reason for this is because in most of Alien, there is no colour other than dark blue, black and metallic colours. Having no colour also gives it a more mysterious, grunge look which may help build up the tension if Alice was to shrink and grow in this dark compact space.

Our design has a mixture of scales, bones and shapes of what the Alien creatures have. If you look closely to our design the top section of the set is in-fact the shape of the Alien head, the rigid marks that are made are scale like. We've given some rips in the wall to show that maybe the Alien had been there before and got angry?

The main door that is most likely the main focus of the idea, has dark features to it and also the alien scales, the top again like the top section of the overall design is the alien head (as seen in the photo next to this paragraph.) This gives it a grunge look and also reflects the Alien theme. 

This small section here shows a table, this table reflects back to the original table in Alice and Wonderland. However, this design has the head of an alien on it. Me and Jasmin had discussed how we'd like her to get through the door and how we would like her to shrink and grow. Basically, we came up with the teeth being the key to one of the doors, but which one? Then the alien's blood would be the potion that would shrink her and the alien skin (ew) would be the ingredient that would make her grow. 

 The costumes done by Jasmin are very unique, grunge, and Alien themed. The first design (the larger costume) is an interpretation of Alice's first dress and also the smaller costume is the interpretation of her smaller dress - both costume/dresses keep the similar Victorian style to them. Also the colours that Jas has said she was to use were: blue and green hues for the background and black and white or grey for the costumes, which still goes with the darkness/mysterious setting.

Hope you enjoyed! 


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Mise-en-scene is all about the composition of the actor or sequence scene, where they can show the emotions or feelings of the actor in the way they set up the scene or where they position the person in the scene which can create an illusion of the space around the actor/actress. 

Monday, 3 September 2012

25+ Word Treatment

Sequel for Batman: Dark Knight Rises.

This wasn't just a normal day for Alfred, in-fact this day was completely the opposite, was what was in-front of him an hallucination or was it actually his old friend Batman?

V for Vendetta

I’d personally say that this mind-blowing film would be thriller, action, sci-fi and romance; because, yes, V was dark and mysterious throughout the whole film, he would kill civilians (police officers, members of the government,) and all that was because of the love he had for the public, he wanted Freedom for not just him but for the whole country that he lived in. V rebelled against the Government for this freedom, V wanted payback for all the pain they had caused families, to Valerie, to himself and to Evie.

Behind that black cloak and artfully coloured mask was a man with a heart, a man who was treated in the most ugly way by the Government, to which, eventually he saved himself from the pain, the ugliness, from the burning building, with that, however, he ended up with scars to show his triumph. In addition, he ended up falling in love with Evie, the girl who was with him throughout the process. The one who he showed his desire to show the country how they should get revenge, how they should get revenge on the Government for what they had done. V trusted Evie and V wasn’t alone with looking for Freedom, Evie wanted revenge for what the Gov had done to her Mother, Father and Brother. In-fact, all in all, when you see the sea of V masks at the end envelope the Country’s city state, you notice how many people actually wanted revenge and most of all freedom.

When you look closely at the film, you can see the tension rising, especially when Evie goes out after curfew and gets trapped by those two men. In that scene, the camera jumped from each man after each sentence they had finished. This tension explodes when V enters onto the scene to save her, which instantly makes us, the watcher think ‘What is this ludicrously looking man doing appearing out of nowhere?’ but then we come to find, he’s actually a hero/villain who means no harm to the kind, public. Also in most of the scenes when V is rivalled against members of the Government or Police, it usually takes place in the dark and has slow motion sword throwing and fast police shootings.

V’s character throughout the film shows intelligence and wit, his crafty ways helping him plot the most obscene murders. This although changed to remorse after he had sent Evie into imprisonment to show her what it was like to go through, seeing as he’s been through it, he wanted to show her that she can get rid of all fear. Also, as much as he didn't know of it at first (from my point of view), his actions towards Evie were of one in a relationship, he saved her and kept her healthy, what he did was show love towards her as he dies. 

Even though V thought of himself as nothing, just a man in a mask who has to save his country, he realises that he actually does have a heart, a heart made for Evie, to the women he fell in love with. All because he could trust her, the key points to a relationship.

All in all, V for Vendetta is about freedom, beliefs that you should stand up for, the gunpowder plot and romance.